Community Paramedicine (CP) is a new and evolving model of community-based health care in which paramedics function outside their customary emergency response and transport roles in ways that facilitate more appropriate use of emergency care resources and/or enhance access to primary care for medically underserved populations. 1
The MCHD Community Paramedicine program was established in 2013 to assist the underserved and high-risk patients of the county. This program has been designed to benefit those who use the 911 system regularly for preventable conditions, and/or are chronically ill and require assistance with resources, education, and social support. Patients are selected for the program based upon EMS crew referrals and 9-1-1 call volume data. The team consists of a program coordinator, paramedics, a community health worker, and the medical directors.
The projects goal is to work collaboratively with agencies in the community to improve the health and quality of life of our population though preventative healthcare using three steps:
Evaluate. Conduct a comprehensive assessment on the patient’s physical, mental, and psycho-social health; ability to independently perform the basic activities of daily living; and living arrangements, social network and access to support services.
Navigate. Design a care plan in collaboration with other resources that addresses areas of concern and provides suggested interventions or actions and recommendations.
Link. Coordinate care by managing healthcare communication with all involved care givers, providing support services and resources, and continuing the evaluation and monitoring process.
The program has been successful in reducing costs though decreased resource usage. Over 60% of enrolled patients have shown a decrease in 9-1-1 use for non-emergent medical needs, saving the county money and keeping emergency resources available for critical situations.
For further information or to make a referral please contact:
Community Paramedicine Case Manager
1 Kizer, K. W., Shore, K., & Moulin, A. (2013). Community paramedicine: A promising model for integrating emergency and primary care. UC Davis Institute for Population Health and Improvement.